13. Troubleshooting
13.1. Troubleshooting Bluetooth connection issues
First step: restart the phone
The #1 first step before attempting any of the specific troubleshooting advice below is to restart your phone. Make sure to really restart it, just locking and then unlocking is not sufficient. Please check Google to learn how to restart your specific phone, or tablet.
I cannot find my product listed
Make sure that you have a “Smart” Victron product. It needs to have a Bluetooth symbol.
Make sure your product is in range.
Only one phone can be connected to a product at the same time. Make sure that no other phone is already connected.
Make sure you are attempting to connect from within VictronConnect - not from the system menu of your phone. If you have connected from the system menu: close VictronConnect, remove the pairing information from your phone, and then open and connect to your product from within VictronConnect.
If a firmware update failed, the product Custom Name might have reverted to its original name and serial number, check if that is the case. Once the update is completed, the Custom Name will be back. See more tips about troubleshooting firmware updates on section 11.3.
I can see but cannot connect to my product
Make sure you are trying to connect to the right product. See section 5.3 to learn how you can give your product a Custom Name.
Make sure your product is in range. It can be that you are close enough to see the product but not close enough to connect to it.
Make sure that Bluetooth is still enabled on your phone. If Bluetooth was disabled after scanning, you may be able to see your product listed but you won't be able to connect to it.
Bluetooth bonding information may be outdated. This happens when the PIN code has been changed in the product, or if your Victron product has been connected to too many phones. The product will only remember the last 10 phones connected to it. To solve this, remove the pairing completely from your phone system menu. Then open VictronConnect and re-pair the product and your phone. Watch these instructional videos to learn how to remove the pairing on Android or iOS.
If you are using an Android phone, check section 11.2 below for issues particular to Android as well.
Connection fails around 20%
Make sure you are up to date with the latest version of VictronConnect.
Remove the product from the paired devices list in the phone's Bluetooth settings. This section explains how.
Then Reset the PIN code.
Force close the VictronConnect App. Instructions: how to for iPhone and iPad, how to for Android. If you are unsure how to do this, then uninstalling and re-installing the app works as well)
Reconnecting in VictronConnect using the default PIN 000000.
Then change the PIN code.
Connection fails after filling in the PIN code (PIN code is not accepted)
Reset the PIN code to the default value of “000000” using the procedure described in section 3.3
Connect to the product and when asked for the PIN code, use “000000”
It is advised to immediately change the PIN code to a new value
Remove the pairing on other phones/tablets. The procedure is described in section 3.4
Restart the Victron product
In case any of the above steps didn't solve the issue. And in case of an Android device the steps in the next chapter also didn't help, then power cycle the Victron product. For example, with a Solar Charger, you must isolate the MPPT from both the battery and solar voltage so that no lights appear, before reconnecting it again.
13.2. Bluetooth connection issues on Android
Before starting this chapter, first complete all steps in chapter 11.1
Also note that steps 3 and 4 are not necessary when running Android 12 or later and VictronConnect v5.70 or later. See the note in the beginning of chapter 4.3. Android.
Step 1: Check that your Android device is supported
See section 4.3 Compatibility for Android
Step 2: Check the Android version
Android 4.2 or earlier: this Android version is not supported. The earliest Android version which can be used with Bluetooth is 4.3.
Android 5: check for known Android PIN code pop-up bug.
Android 6 or later: no known issues.
Step 3: Check that VictronConnect has access to the location services
On Android 5 and later VictronConnect needs access to the phone's location services to be able to scan nearby Bluetooth products. Unless you checked “Don't show again”, VictronConnect will warn on each discovery attempt when permissions are not granted or location services are disabled.
Permission to access location services is requested each time the app starts …but if you checked the “Don't show again” option while denying, the request won't appear again.. You can grant permission by going to the Android settings → Applications → VictronConnect → Permissions, and then enable the “Location” permission. Another way is to uninstall and then reinstall VictronConnect.
Why this access is required is explained in the "Why is Access to Location Service required" section, part of the Android chapter.
Step 4. Enable Location (or GPS) functionality in the system settings
For Bluetooth scanning to work, the Location (or GPS) functionality on the phone needs to be enabled.
Why this access is required is explained in the "Why is Access to Location Service required" section, part of the Android chapter.
Step 5. Search & connect from within VictronConnect, and NOT from the system Bluetooth menu
Make sure you are attempting to connect from within VictronConnect - not from the system menu of your phone. If you have connected from the system menu: close VictronConnect, remove the pairing information from your phone, and then open and connect to your product from within VictronConnect.
Step 6. PIN code pop-up never shows
On some Android phones, the PIN code pop-up dialog doesn't show. It is hidden into the notifications bar.
Try to connect and when the connection is stuck at 80%, open the notifications bar and check if the PIN code/Pair request is there, if this is the case open it and enter the PIN code.
On Android it is also possible that other apps prevent the PIN code pop-up from showing, even when pairing in the Android Bluetooth settings menu. One such an app is “FrSky Free Link”, which even blocks pairing with Bluetooth headsets. In this case, the thing to do is remove the problematic app. This can be done by uninstalling apps one by one (starting with apps that use or connect to Bluetooth devices), removing all apps or even resetting the phone to factory defaults. When the Victron products are paired to the phone/tablet, the problematic app can be re-installed.
The default PIN code is 000000, six times zero.
Step 7. Try another phone at first
If you are still experiencing difficulties, having tried the steps above, try connecting using another phone; preferably an Apple phone or tablet as they work without any issues.
When successfully connected using another phone, VictronConnect will automatically update the firmware in the Victron Bluetooth product. After the firmware has been updated you may find that you can use the Android phone with which you were experiencing difficulties.
13.3. Problems during firmware updating
First of all, it's good to know that you can always restart the firmware update procedure. The update process will be restarted each time you connect to the product.
Keep your phone as close to the product as possible. If the update fails due to Bluetooth connectivity problems, and if your phone is already paired to a product, try and remove the pairing completely from your phone's system menu. Then open VictronConnect and re-pair the product and your phone. Watch these instructional videos to learn how to remove the pairing on Android or iOs .
If the firmware update stops at a random percentage during each retry, just keep trying - it will succeed eventually. If the update fails even after many attempts, try using another phone or tablet, if possible an Apple iOS phone - they usually work without any issues. After the update, you may find that you can use the phone with which you were having difficulty.
Update stops at 4% or earlier
When the firmware update fails at 4% or less, VictronConnect cannot make the product switch to the update mode.
Solution for Blue Smart IP65 Chargers
If you are in the firmware update screen, first force close VictronConnect.
Unplug the mains cable from the charger and wait for 30 seconds.
Press and hold the MODE button on the charger and plug in the mains cable again until the yellow and blue LEDs are blinking alternately to force the charger into update mode.
Release the MODE button. You now have 30 seconds to connect to the product, after 30 seconds the charger will automatically leave the update mode.
Start VictronConnect and click on the product in the device list.
The firmware update screen will appear again. You should now be able to update your charger to the latest firmware version.
Solution for VE.Direct Smart dongle
If you are in the firmware update screen, first force close VictronConnect.
Unplug the dongle from the VE.Direct port.
Press and hold the 'Clear PIN' button on the dongle and connect it to the VE.Direct port again, the red and blue LEDs will blink alternately; indicating that the dongle is in update mode.
Release the 'Clear PIN' button. You now have 30 seconds to connect to the product, after 30 seconds the dongle will automatically leave the update mode.
Start VictronConnect and click on the product in the device list.
The firmware update screen will appear again. You should now be able to update the dongle to the latest firmware version.
13.4. VE.Direct USB driver problem on macOS X 10.9 (Mavericks)
The driver included in macOS X 10.9 “Mavericks” doesn't work properly with the VE.Direct USB cable. To fix this issue we recommend updating to a later version of macOS.
If updating the operating system is not possible, there is a workaround which disables the Apple FTDI (Future Technology Devices International) driver and installs a compatible driver. Follow these steps:
cd /System/Library/Extensions/IOUSBFamily.kext/Contents/PlugIns
sudo mv AppleUSBFTDI.kext AppleUSBFTDI.disabled
Step 2. Restart the computer
Step 3. Download and install the compatible FTDI driver
Step 4. Restart the computer
VictronConnect should now show the connected products.
13.5. VictronConnect on Windows doesn't find VE.Direct USB connected products
Check chapter 4.1, and follow its instructions to install the driver.
13.6. VictronConnect on Android doesn't show files opened from email or file manager apps
VictronConnect needs to be running before opening files.
Open VictronConnect and without closing it switch to the app containing the file, select it and choose to open it with VictronConnect.
13.7. How to create a VictronConnect Service Report
If you are experiencing issues with VictronConnect or your Victron product, you may be asked to create a “VictronConnect Service Report”. Please note that this service report is for Victron internal use and is not able to be read or used for any other purpose than developer troubleshooting.
To do this,
Open VictronConnect
Perform the action that leads to the bug or issue
Return to the main menu
Select the three lines menu
Select Settings
Save, email, or copy the file to Victron, via email or the Victron Community.

If you require more detailed power system diagnostic information, for example, detailed monitoring of battery voltage and state of charge readings over time, this may require connecting a GX product.